The science department offers a variety of new STEM courses, reflecting a wide variety of integrated disciplines. Also with the implementation of NGSS standards, all science courses now focus on science and engineering practices, cross curricular concepts, and disciplinary core ideas. These courses also align with common core state standards in mathematics and English language arts. With the science department there is complimentary curriculum in the agriculture department. The Agriscience Pathway contains three integrated sequential courses that provide NGSS curriculum with an agriculture focus and foundation. These courses also fulfill the science graduation requirement in addition to each meeting the A-G requirements for physical and lab sciences.
Physical Science
- Ag Earth Science
- Chemistry
- Chemistry & Agriscience
- Chemistry (AP)
- Advanced Sustainable Agirscience
- Physics
- Engineering II
- CASA Engineering
Life Science
- Biology
- Biology (AP)
- Sustainable Ag Biology
- Marine/Freshwater Ecology